jueves, 30 de julio de 2020
lunes, 27 de julio de 2020
sábado, 25 de julio de 2020
- AIB International
- BRC – British Retail Consortium
- FDA – Food and Drug Administration
- Silliker
- SQF – Safe Quality Food
jueves, 23 de julio de 2020
martes, 21 de julio de 2020
domingo, 19 de julio de 2020
They can invade your home and become a nuisance. Further, We provide a customize service depending on the issue.
Scorpions are an indoor problem when they choose to leave their outdoor habitats. So, we can get rid of this pest with our Scorpion control service.
Earwigs can wreak havoc in gardens or inside homes, where moisture is present. Moreover, can get rid of this issue with our Crawling Insect control service.
Most relevant outdoor pests
Moths are very destructive and prolific proper identification treatment is essential to eradicate them. Furthermore, Silverfish have feeding habits, they can ruin books, clothing, wallpapers etc. Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. In addition, they are always hiding in unopened food packages. We can assist you with our Silverfish control service.
Ticks are known for transmitting diseases on pets and humans such as tick-borne disease, and Lyme disease; this one affects the heart and nervous system on humans. Centipedes are a nasty nuisance, their bite is harmful for humans and pets causing skin problems. So, as soon you notice its presence give us a call to help with our Centipede Control service.
Boxelder bugs congregate in large numbers on rocks, trees and buildings on warmer months. They prefer to hide in small cracks and crevices in walls, to insulate themselves from the cold winter temperatures.
Most carpet beetle damage results from larvae feeding habits, they prefer natural fiber items like wool, silk, feathers, dead insects, and leather. These immature pests also have bristly hairs that can irritate skin.
viernes, 17 de julio de 2020
Spiders need just a food source in order to invade a place or property, such as ants, flies, cockroaches etc .There are over 40,000 species of spiders worldwide, with approximately 3,700 of those species occurring in North America. While they do not spread disease and will eat other harmful pests, spiders are considered a nuisance pest in homes and businesses.
Spider webs can also create problems in residential and commercial settings. Spider webs are often considered unsightly and give visitors an impression that a space is not clean or inviting.
These arachnids have become reviled over time as one of the creepiest and most feared organisms in the world. Call us to help you now.
Not all spiders treatments are the same. The most common spider treatment is for webbing spiders. All spiders produce silk but this group builds extensive prey capturing webs, causing problems inside homes, on outside walls, around lighting and even through gardens and pathways. Effective treatment requires specialized application equipment.
jueves, 16 de julio de 2020
We offer Flea Control service because fleas are indiscriminate parasites, they will feed off cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets, humans etc. During flea infestation treating your pet isn't enough, you have to treat the environment. Also, you have to get rid of eggs and pupae. Once adults emerge they will try to find a blood meal immediately and can survive 1-2 weeks without eating. Females can lay up to 20 eggs per day, meaning that a single prolific female can cause an infestation in a matter of weeks. Fleas can transmit diseases to humans and pets, for example: cat scratch disease, plague, murine typhus, tapeworms among others.
Male and female adult fleas are warm-blooded animals. In the absence of a pet or animal, they will feed on humans. Therefore we offer the Flea Control service for your peace of mind.
Fleas are small blood-feeding type insects, that survive as external parasites of mammals and birds. They live by consuming blood, or hematophagy, from their hosts. We can get rid of eggs and pupa from this pest with our Flea Control service.
These insects can jump further than any other insect. If an average sized human had the same jumping ability of a flea, they would be able to jump really high! The best flea control approach for your home and pet is to interrupt the flea life cycle. Low impact methods for controlling adult fleas, eggs and larvae include regular vacuuming and laundering, along with pet bathing or grooming. If the situation requires a pesticide, opt for low toxicity options.
If you feel that you have a problem with fleas around your home or property and you truly want to know how to get rid of fleas, then you should contact the flea control and prevention experts at Fieldtech Pest Control.
miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020
Bed Bug control service is the best way to get rid of bed bugs, “they are efficient hitchhikers “ and easily transported. Once introduced they are often spread throughout a property. Bed bugs can live up to 12 months without feeding. If you think that bed bugs only live in beds or mattresses think again.
Star looking for traces in your sofa, computer chair, behind pictures, inside books, clock radio, outlets, wood floors, closets these are common hiding places. Bed bugs are blood feeders, CO2 and body heat is what attracts them at night to take their meal from you. Bedbugs are very prolific and hard to find. Fieldtech treatments eliminate bed bugs that are hard to find or see, since they are very prolific give us a call as soon signs are noticed.
Bedbugs measure just 5 millimeters across smaller than a pencil eraser. These bugs are smart, tough, and they reproduce quickly. Bed bugs know where to hide to avoid detection, they can live for months between meals. A healthy female can lay 500 eggs in her lifetime.
No surprise that these tiny bloodsuckers can wreak a lot of havoc in your home. If they get into bed with you, they can leave red, itchy welts all over your body.
Our Bed Bug control inspection will determine any evidence or signs of activity, client cooperation is required in order to eliminate this pest efficiently.
viernes, 10 de julio de 2020
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020
martes, 7 de julio de 2020
Contaminated insulation pest maintenance
Contaminated insulation pest maintenance states that rodent and bird droppings contaminate attic insulation and in some cases, soak into the...

Wasps are social insects, that live in colonies, numbers can vary depending on food source and nest location. Although, wasps can sting seve...
One of the biggest issues encountered each year by property owners across California is the pest invasion. Having your home or office invade...