sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020


Noises in the attic are worrying and can be an indication that rodents or other wildlife may be living in your roof.

Attics (lofts or ceiling cavities) are ideal environments for possums, rats and mice, who damage stored items and electric cabling by gnawing and possibly causing fires. They are also ideal environments for nesting birds that can spread disease, mites and fleas.

8 signs you have squirrels in the attic

Noises should be investigated quickly, nests and droppings become ideal breeding sites for insects, which may then carry nasty bugs and diseases into your home.

Inspect your attic and look for visible signs of habitation, commonly their droppings.There are a couple of indicators to tell you what type of ‘guest’ you have staying in your attic.

If they are rats or mice, you’ll hear them scurrying across the attic floor or rafters at night. Possums generally leave the attic when it becomes dark and return at around dawn.

The indicators that a pest has infiltrated the attic can be found because you left this area unchecked, many unwanted guests can cause expensive damage or pose health risks. Hiring our professional services to trap and remove attic pests is a must. The experts at Fieldtech IPS can help rid your home of these freeloading animals.

Sound and smell are two of the most reliable cues when determining if an animal has gotten into your house, and they can actually indicate which type of pest is present. If you notice an unidentified noise coming from your house, you’ll want to act quickly. Of course, your house may make plenty of sounds on its own thanks to pipes, floorboards, and settling. To help you identify potentially destructive animal invaders, here’s a convenient guide.

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020


Fieldtech IPS believes the logical solution to organic pest control is to create a balance of organisms in your yard or garden. In a diverse ecosystem pest populations are regulated naturally. Development of this balance relies on products that minimize harm to pollinators and other beneficial insects. Traps and pheromone lures are used to identify the presence of pests, and to help control them. If garden pests are present the least-toxic solutions should be used first barriers and repellents, beneficial insects, biological pesticides, soaps and oils with the more toxic (but short lived) botanical or natural pesticides used only if necessary.

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Natural products (NPs) have long been used as pesticides and have broadly served as a source of inspiration for a great many commercial synthetic organic fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that are in the market today. In light of the continuing need for new tools to address an ever‐changing array of fungal, weed and insect pests, NPs continue to be a source of models and templates for the development of new pest control agents. Interestingly, an examination of the literature suggests that NP models exist for many of the pest control agents that were discovered by other means, suggesting that, had circumstances been different, these NPs could have served as inspiration for the discovery of a great many more of today's pest control agents. Here, an attempt is made to answer questions regarding the existence of an NP model for existing classes of pesticides and what is needed for the discovery of new NPs and NP models for pest control agents. 

Natural products have been used to control animal pests, plant diseases, and weeds since ancient times. The biological activity spectrum of natural pesticides is extremely variable, and the selectivity is often achieved by targeted application, often relying on the behavior of the target pest. However, the biological property of a chemical is a function of its structure rather than its origin. The biological activity exerted by a given dose of the compound under given circumstances, especially as related to safety, depends on the way in which the chemical is used. 

Natural substances used for pest and disease control are generally non-persistent under field conditions. Most of these often-complex molecules are readily transformed abiotically by light and/or oxygen into less toxic products. There are many natural insect control agents, most of which were discovered by empirical screening of plants and, recently, other natural sources. Moreover, research on insect physiology and behavior made possible the commercialization of chemicals that can be used to manipulate insect development or behavior.


Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2020


Birds like feral pigeons, house sparrows, starlings, house martins, swifts, fackdaws, owls, tits and swallows are exceptional opportunists and should be discouraged from living anywhere in your house or garage. 

They might only roost on all the roofs in sight of somebody’s regular handout, all the while depositing prolific amounts of acidic droppings on each roof near the food. This poopy environment creates ideal conditions for supporting a healthy crop of roof moss. And worse than that, they can spread harmful diseases and create expensive structural damage to your home.

Nesting birds can actually physically damage a property, particularly a roof or home’s exterior. Not all birds are pests, some species like starlings and pigeons can be. Bird droppings can corrode metal and concrete, while debris and feathers from nests can clog drains and gutters. That can also lead to problems with a roof, basement, and even foundation. Birds that enter an attic can also damage the insulation. Also, you have to bare in mind that bats can also invade you home and cause a lot of health and property damage issues. 

Health risks from birds and bats are often exaggerated. Nevertheless, large populations of roosting birds may present the risk of disease to people nearby. The most serious health risks arise from disease organisms that can grow in the nutrient-rich accumulations of bird droppings, feathers and debris under a roost — particularly if roosts have been active for years. External parasites also may become a problem when infested birds or bats leave roosts or nests. The parasites then can invade buildings and bite people.

Diseases like Histoplasmosis are caused by a fungus (Histoplasma capsulatum) found primarily in the areas drained by rivers. Both humans and animals can be affected. The disease is transmitted to humans by airborne fungus spores from soil contaminated by pigeon and starling droppings (as well as from the droppings of other birds and bats). Infection occurs when spores, carried by the air are inhaled especially after a roost has been disturbed. Most infections are mild and produce either no symptoms or a minor influenza- like illness. 

Cryptococcosis is also a disease transmitted by pigeon droppings and is the most important source of the disease fungus Cryptococcus neoformans in the environment. The fungus is typically found in accumulations of droppings around roosting and nesting sites, for example, attics, cupolas, ledges and water towers. It has been found in as many as 84 percent of samples taken from old roosts. Even when old and dry, bird droppings can be a significant source of infection.

Like histoplasmosis, most cryptococcosis infections are mild and may be without symptoms. People with weakened immune systems, however, are more susceptible to infection. The disease is acquired by inhaling the yeast-like cells of the organism. Two forms of cryptococcosis occur in humans. The generalized form begins with a lung infection and spreads to other areas of the body, particularly the central nervous system, and is usually fatal unless treated. The cutaneous (skin) form is characterized by acne-like skin eruptions or ulcers with nodules just under the skin. The cutaneous form is very rare, however, without generalized (systemic) disease. 

Other diseases carried or transmitted by birds affect man to a lesser degree. Psittacosis is normally mild in man; however, serious illness can occur rarely. Pigeons and sparrows also have been implicated (along with many other species of birds) as reservoirs for encephalitis viruses such as West Nile encephalitis virus, which are carried by mosquitoes.

Bats and disease

Bats are associated with a few diseases that affect people, such as rabies and histoplasmosis. Rabies is a dangerous, fatal disease, but only about 5 percent of bats submitted for testing are infected with the rabies virus. In recent years, there has been increased concern about the risk of rabies transmission following contact with bats. If an injured or ill bat is found in or around a structure, it should be removed. Because most bats will try to bite when handled, they should be picked up with tongs or a shovel. If a bat has bitten or scratched a person or pet or is found in your home, capture the bat without touching it with your hands and without crushing its head. 

Bats with rabies have been identified in most areas of the state. In recent years, bats have been the most common animal identified with rabies in the state.

The incidence of histoplasmosis being transmitted from bat droppings to humans is not thought to be high. Nevertheless, fresh bat droppings (unlike fresh bird dropping) can contain the histoplasmosis fungus. Bat droppings do not need to come into contact with soil to be a source of the disease.

Ticks, mites and other parasites

Bird or bat roosts can harbor parasites that may invade buildings. Although these parasites can bite and irritate, they are unlikely to transmit diseases to humans. The northern fowl mite and chicken mite are usually the main culprits. Other parasites that may cause problems inside buildings include the pigeon nest bug and the bat bug (both related to the bed bug), soft ticks, biting lice and the pigeon fly. Although most parasites associated with bird or bat roosts die quickly after the birds or bats leave, some may live for several weeks.

Droppings, feathers, food and dead birds under a roosting area can breed flies, carpet beetles and other insects that may become major problems in the immediate area. These pests may fly through open windows or crawl through cracks to enter buildings. If birds or bats are discouraged from roosting around buildings, most of the parasites associated with them will soon die. If the pests are a problem after birds or bats have been excluded, the roost area may be treated with a residual insecticide.

Removal and cleanup of bird and bat droppings

If there is a small accumulation of droppings from a few birds or bats, it can be cleaned up with soap and water. If large quantities of bird or bat droppings are present, contact our Bird / Bat Control service to receive a free inspection and a free estimate.

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020


Some of the world’s most harmful insect species live in your household and they may expose your children to several diseases. Knowing which pests are dangerous can help you to choose the most effective strategy to minimize your family’s exposure to those pests who live in your home or garden. Our pest control management helps you with a regulation of the species which can be dangerous for your children’s health. These are the most harmful insects that you can find at home, especially in summer.

1. Fleas

Usually, fleas get into a house on pets that spend time outdoors. These little animals are dangerous since they can spread all over your house. If you have noticed that your pet has fleas, you may prevent them from spreading by using flea combs and bathing pets regularly. Flea bites can be mistaken for chicken pox, since the first symptom is scratching. If this happens, make sure to discourage your child from scratching since that can bring bacteria to the site and lead to infection.

2. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs usually get into homes on clothing, furniture, luggage or any other thing that has been in an infested area. Getting rid of bed bugs is difficult and takes a combination of practices which include vacuuming every surface in your home, as well as sealing all the cracks and crevices. Instead of discarding your furniture or going through the entire long and complicated process of getting rid of the bugs yourself, it’s best to call a pest control professional. This way you are going to be sure that you got rid of the bed bugs completely. Getting rid of them is a difficult process, since these pests can survive 12 to 15 months without food.

3. Carpenter Ants

North American carpenter ants are the largest ants on the continent. They tunnel their way through wood to build colonies. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not feast on wood. Their huge jaws are adept for eating other insects and drinking plant juices. They can also build colonies inside your home. Pest control is usually necessary to eliminate large infestations in your household.

Beside mice, rats, and roaches these species are most commonly found in any household. Since they can be dangerous for your children’s health, the only way to eliminate them permanently is by calling a pest control professional.

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020


 Integrated pest management

Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly way to manage pests. It uses a combination of practices and control methods with the aim of preventing problems from occurring and reducing the need for pesticide intensive activities.

IPM control methods include

Cultural methods – they change the conditions to make them less favourable for pests, such as adjusting planting location or timing or crop rotation and cultivation techniques which expose pests to predation.

Physical methods – they prevent pests from entering the area using methods such as barriers and traps, or physically remove them.

Genetic methods – these methods select pest resistant varieties developed by classical breeding or via genetic engineering.

Biological methods – they use predators, parasites or microbial pathogens to suppress pests.

Chemical methods – they use substances to kill or repel pests, selecting the least toxic options first and applying them only when needed.

Regulatory methods – they prevent the entry or spread of pests using quarantine regulations and restrict the movement of materials including crops and livestock.

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020


One of the biggest issues encountered each year by property owners across California is the pest invasion. Having your home or office invaded by pests can cause a lot of distress, unnecessary headaches, and routine clean-ups. With pest control management you will be able to find a real solution for this problem, that often requires professional attention from experts.

Warm Winter Means Buggy Spring In Southern Idaho | Boise State ...

The majority of pests are on the move looking for shelter from the cooler weather, food and a place for reproduction. Pests are invading homes all over California.

With changing weather conditions, rain and cool air play a large part in the invasion of pest activity in California. It is very important to catch signs of infestation such as:

  1. Live insects most likely found inside and between books and papers or within cracks and crevices of shelves.
  2. Insect remains, including whole carcasses, body parts and cast-skins, most likely found on window sills, within the spine of a book, or along the bottoms of books, as well as within cracks and crevices of shelves.
  3. Frass/Droppings, including black (roach) pellets, "poppy-seed" (termite) pellets, "saw-dust" (dermested or powder-post beetle) pellets, and suspicious piles of fine dust or powder. 
  4. (Fresh) Holes/Tunnels in materials. A "fresh" hole is one which both continues from one page through the next page(s) and is accompanied by frass/droppings if not also live insects.
  5. Tracks. Some pests are usually sneaky enough to make their way around your home without leaving much evidence, but others may leave a clear path of tracks to follow. 
  6. Odd sounds like scratching on the walls or small squeaks could mean unwanted guests are staying in your home.
  7. Nesting. When a critter discovers an excellent hiding place in your home, they may begin to construct a nest.
  8. Droppings from small pests invading your property can be found when checking other areas around your home.
Instead of settling with some extra guests in your home, learn about the signs of a pest invasion and call us in order to receive professional help.

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

Contaminated insulation pest maintenance

Contaminated insulation pest maintenance states that rodent and bird droppings contaminate attic insulation and in some cases, soak into the...