sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020


There are a whole lot things to worry about in life. Pests do not need to be just one of them. At Fieldtech IPS, our priority is making sure that your residence is a pest free environment. We work with a pest management process that allows us to exterminate: spiders, bed bugs, cockroaches, wasps, ants and rodents in Twin Peaks, CA.


Most ant species are highly developed social insects that live in permanent nests, which depending on the species, may be in the soil, in timber, under pavers, in wall cavities or roof voids. Ants may travel large distances in search of food. Even the cleanest of homes can provide a ready food source for ants which once found can invade in large numbers, such that professional help is required. Some inflict severe bites but most are a nuisance pest when they infest kitchens and BBQ areas in large numbers.

Bed Bugs 

Blood-suckers commonly found in motels, hostels or boarding houses where itinerant travelers stay overnight. Bed bugs are often found in buildings used to store second-hand furniture or clothing. How do Bed Bugs get into bed? Bed bugs are transported with luggage, clothing and other articles, but not on the person. It is not possible to know if someone is a ‘bed bug carrier’. Bed Bugs do bite at night. Next morning you may see dots of blood in a line on bed linen. The blood has a sickly sweet odor. Also look for dried blood deposits around cracks in the bed, bed-head, flooring, bedside furniture and mattress.

Life cycle: From the egg, the bed bug has five nymphal stages before becoming an adult. The adults and nymphs leave their harborage area to feed every 2 to 3 days. They feed for 3 to 5 minutes at night, in the early morning hours, before returning to their harborage area, usually located within a few meters from their feeding area. Bed bugs can survive for long periods without a blood meal.

Hobo Spiders

Although the bite of the hobo spider is initially painless, the bite can be serious. After 24 hours, the bite develops into a blister and after 24-36 hours, the blister breaks open, leaving an open, oozing ulceration. Typically when the venom is injected, the victim will experience an immediate redness, which develops around the bite. The most common reported symptom is severe headache. Other symptoms can include nausea, weakness, fatigue, temporary memory loss and vision impairment. In any case, first aid and medical attention should be sought, if bitten, as and when any adverse health effects are observed. They are brown in color and the adults measure roughly 1/3 to 2/3 inch in body length and 2/3 to 2 inches in leg span. Their abdomens have several chevron shaped markings. Males are distinctively different from females in that they have two large palpi (mouth parts) that look like boxing gloves. Females tend to have a larger and rounder abdomen when compared to males.


Are known carriers of serious diseases, such as, salmonella, dysentery, gastroenteritis and other stomach complaint organisms. They adulterate food and spread pathogenic organisms with their feces and defensive secretions. Cockroaches must molt regularly throughout their life-cycle. The discarded skin becomes airborne and can cause severe asthmatic reactions, particularly to children, the elderly and people with bronchial ailments. The cockroach begins as an egg: The female produces an egg sac which she carries or deposits in a safe place. The young cockroach or "nymph" will undergo a series of molts, shedding it's external skeleton, as it grows to adulthood. The entire life cycle may extend to a few months depending on the species and environmental factors, such as, access to food and moisture, adequate shelter and warm temperatures.


The Yellow Jacket Wasp can attack as a group and may sting many times which is very painful and highly inflammatory particularly if stung around the throat or other glandular parts of the body. Deaths are known to occur when a European Wasp stings a person after the wasp has been swallowed. The European Wasp may enter a soft drink or beer can (they like sugar) and if swallowed, it will bite and inject it's venom inside the persons throat which will causing massive swelling of the glands and possible asphyxiation (suffocation). Paper Wasps can be very aggressive in hot weather and may cause severe pain from their sting. They are about 20 mm in length, and should be approached with caution.


Often cause electrical fires in buildings by gnawing through plastic electrical junction boxes. Rats must constantly gnaw on hard objects to cut back their constantly growing incisor teeth. In addition, they live in the most unsanitary places, and are carriers of serious health risks to humans from their droppings and constant incontinence (they use urine trails to find their way in the dark).

Call us for immediate help: 1-800-805-5758

Our service includes free estimate and a free inspection.

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