There are a whole lot things to worry about in life. Pests do not need to be just one of them. At Fieldtech IPS, our priority is making sure that your residence is a pest free environment. We work with a pest management process that allows us to exterminate: spiders, bed bugs, cockroaches, wasps, ants and rodents in Twin Peaks, CA.
sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020
Since California is one of the few states that pests call home due to the weather conditions, it is important that you protect your house or business in Lake Arrowhead as quickly as possible. Protecting your home doesn't have to be complicated; it can be as easy as calling a trusted pest management provider and asking home control services for the Lake Arrowhead area. A pest control expert will deliver safe and professional home pest control based on your unique needs and pest problems for Lake Arrowhead residents. We treat the following pests in this area:
Earwigs are very adaptable species, able to survive just about anywhere there is a food source. They, like most earwigs, are omnivorous and will eat everything from living plants to decaying animal matter. As their habits are very effected by temperature Earwigs are drawn to the type of environment that provides them with consistent temperatures. The European earwig is considered the worst of the earwig species where crop damage is concerned. While even this species cannot inflict the kind of damage that other species of pest insects can, they do damage different types of vegetation such as beans, beets, celery, strawberries, plums, cucumbers, potatoes and more. They will eat ornamental flower species as well such as dahlia, carnations and sweet-william.
They have been known to eat a wide variety of other insect species such as aphids, spiders, caterpillars and other species. They are especially well known for eating aphids. They also eat fungus as well. In the human home, they are pest species because of the wide variety of things they consider food. Earwigs can be easily spotted at home, but you can set “sample traps” to see just how many are in your home. It will be very difficult to get rid of all of your earwig infestation with traps alone, though, but it will give you an idea of how many earwigs you may have in your home.
Argentine ants live in mega colonies with hundreds of thousands of members. The largest colony discovered in Europe was said to be over 3,700 miles long! The only role of the male Argentine ants is to mate while the females do all of the food collection and building. While other types of ants attack their same species, Argentine ants do not. This incredibly large colony size is unique to Argentine ants. Because all Argentine ants have similar DNA, they recognize each other as family. They form identical interconnected colonies where the queen shares worker ants. More than one queen can live in each colony. The queen is often times up to four times the length of a worker ant and may have wings. Due to multiple queens living in the same place, it is extremely difficult to terminate a colony.
The first sign of a problem may occur when you see a trail of crumbs coming from the pantry. Argentine ants leave crumbs and a pheromone trail to remember where they have been and save time the next time they are looking for food. Once you find the ants, step on a few. If they leave a musty odor behind it is most likely an Argentine ant colony. These ants bite but they don’t sting. They are not a threat to humans, but they may contaminate your food.
Do not try to treat this invasion with pesticides found at your local hardware store as it can cause stress to the colony which just signals the queens to produce more eggs. Always be very careful with poison around children and animals. Due to the difficulty in terminating these colonies, it is best to call a pest professional for help.
Bed bugs
Signs of a problem: The most likely place for a bed bug to live is in or near your bed. They like small dark spaces and reside in mattresses, box springs, bedside tables, dresser drawers, cracks in the walls and carpeting. They will leave dark red stains on your sheets. You may also find skin that they have shed. The smell of bed bugs is a foul sweet scent. Bed bugs are nocturnal, so you should get a flashlight and search in the evening hours if you believe there is a problem.
Do they attack humans? Yes, bed bugs live off of human blood and need the nutrients in blood to reproduce. Bed bugs typically are able to suck blood from exposed skin on a human without being noticed. It may take up to 10 minutes for a feeding. A burning or itchy rash may occur several days after the bite. Try over the counter creams to treat the rash. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur that needs help from a medical professional.
Stopping a bed bug infestation: First, you will need to remove everything from the infested room including all clothing and bedding. Be very careful in removing furniture you wish to discard, because bed bugs could fall off and find a new place to live inside your home. Launder everything in the infected room on the hottest temperature setting suggested. Vacuum the room thoroughly and empty the vacuum outside the house. Call a pest professional for assistance in treating furniture you want to keep. Heat treatment or chemical treatment may be used to terminate the infestation. Ask your pest professional at Fiedltech IPS for more information.
miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020
We offer specific as well as general pest control in Big Bear Lake, California. In the pest control industry, new systems and products are always being developed to take care of pests. As these improvements advance and grow, the general goal is to lower the impact on the environment and on other animals that aren't being targeted. Some of the most recent pest control products are used to get rid of the following insects:
Spiders are actually fairly harmless to have in and around your home. Some people even like having them around because they often help keep the level of other household insects in check by eating them; they actually do a pretty good job of this. Still, you need to be aware of some of the problems they can present. First, a spider infestation is not good, if you think seeing one is bad, imagine seeing thousands of them scurrying all over the place and all over everything. It is not a pretty site. Also, while most are harmless, others are quite dangerous. Some, like the Black Widow can inflict painful and serious venomous bites.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) get their name from their reputation as being the worst bedfellows. These insects lay dormant during the daylight hours in small cracks and crevices, including mattress seams, furniture, sheets, behind baseboards, and electrical outlets. And like all parasitic vampires, bed bugs emerge at night (peak activity being between midnight and 7 a.m.) looking for warm bodies on which to feast. Bed bugs are tiny bloodsuckers – only about an eighth on an inch in length. They’re recognizable by their reddish-brown color and flat, oval-shaped bodies.
The population of fleas has been rising in recent years as these pests become increasingly resistant to traditional methods of treatment. Fleas in the house can be very difficult to control because of the resistance they have developed. They can pose a serious health risk to humans and pets. Fleas will feed on the blood of any warm-blooded body and typically leave behind itchy, unsightly marks and can cause severe allergic reactions as well. If you suspect a flea infestation in your home, it is important to contact a licensed pest professional, immediately to rid your home of fleas and help prevent future occurrences.
Cockroaches may become pests in homes, schools, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and virtually in any structure that has food preparation or storage areas. They contaminate food and eating utensils, occasionally damage fabric and paper products, leave stains on surfaces, and produce unpleasant odors when present in high enough numbers. When cockroaches that live outdoors come into contact with human excrement in sewers or with pet droppings, they have the potential to transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning (Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp.) if they enter into structures. German cockroaches are believed to be capable of transmitting diseasecausing organisms such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., hepatitis virus, and coliform bacteria.
They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery. Indoor infestations of cockroaches are an important source of allergens and risk for asthma among some populations.
While many homeowners believe the best way to deal with wasps is to crush them, the truth is that when wasps are crushed, their bodies release a chemical pheromone that draws other wasps close by to their nests. That’s why our seasoned pest control techs will either remove the hive directly or destroy it with commercial chemicals sprays. Our method will depend on the severity of the wasp problem, the proximity to your home, and whether there are trees, flowers, or a forest nearby.
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020
Rats are some of the worst problems to have in your home. They are destructive, can cause major damage to your home, and they carry diseases. Most of us do not want them around our children and family. Unfortunately, they love the warm climate that is present in Wrightwood.
No one wants to deal with mice and rat control problems. Therefore, it is important that you protect your house or business in Wrightwood as quickly as possible. Protecting your home doesn't have to be complicated; it can be as easy as calling a trusted pest management provider like Fieldtech IPS and asking about pest control services for the Wrightwood area.
There are many nuisance wildlife that can turn your life upside down. Skunks, possums, and other creatures can wreck your house. These invaders will climb into your attic and into your basement. Regrettably, a wildlife problem isn’t a problem that you can fix on your own. You need professional assistance. Otherwise, the wildlife will go time and time again. Fieldtch IPS will transfer the animals far away from your house and release them.
The tiny Argentine ant can to fit through cracks and holes as small as one millimeter in order to find food and water for its colony. You will find Argentine ants mostly in the southern United States, especially California. It is generally understood that Argentine ants may have entered the United States aboard ships carrying coffee or sugar from Argentina during the 1890s. They expanded from the coast throughout California and to the southern parts of the United States.
martes, 13 de octubre de 2020
Roof rats are now present in large numbers in Phelan, causing considerable financial loss and headache to those who are unfortunate enough to experience an infestation. In this region, roof rats are normally a grey/brown color, often have a white stomach, (but may be darker) and have a long, nearly hairless or hairless, scaly tail at least as long as the body.
An adult roof rat requires an opening only the size of a nickel to gain entry, younger rats may be able to enter an opening the size of a dime. Roof rats will eat just about anything, and need to constantly gnaw on items to keep their teeth. Vehicle wiring, wood, vinyl siding, appliance and home insulation, aluminum siding, electrical wiring, paper, and even some types of metal and concrete are no match for a roof rat’s gnawing.
Commercially grown crops, home gardens, livestock and poultry waste, hay, grains, pet food, fruit from trees and vines, trash, leather, tree bark, metal and plastic plumbing (to gain access to water) and even chicken feathers are on a roof rat’s menu. In agricultural areas, they cause significant financial losses due to crop damage.
Roof rats are capable of climbing any rough vertical surface. Bricks, cinder block, and stucco several stories high are scaled with little effort.
Roof rats live approximately one year, but sometimes longer. Females live longer than males. A juvenile roof rat reaches breeding age by 12 weeks, and a female roof rat will have 4 to 6 litters per year. Each litter averages 5 to 8 pups.
Rats must be trapped and completely eliminated not only to preserve property and human health (when found in buildings) but to stop the spread of roof rats to new areas. They carry fleas and ticks, and are known to carry and spread murine typhus, leptospirosis, trichinosis, salmonellosis, rat bite fever, and plague via infected fleas and ticks, in nests, etc. Anywhere a rat has been is a potential source of contamination.
Bats are a wonderful and beneficial member of the mammal family, and are the only mammals with wings. Taking to the desert skies at night, they consume insects, pollinate plants and disburse plant seed. Worldwide, there are over 1,100 species of bats. 40 of those species are found in the United States, and California in certain areas like Phelan.
While bats do use caves and old mines in which to live, some desert species tend to live in cracks and crevices in-between large rocks, under tree bark, etc., while others live in trees. They drink while flying just above water sources, skimming the surface. Many species will eat their own weight in insects every night.
Sometimes bats choose to roost and raise young in places they aren’t meant to be. An unsecured attic is a popular choice. Should bats choose an attic, they can cause a of damage, and deposit large amounts of guano (bat feces.) Bat guano often contains micro organisms that can make people sick. Bats may also be carriers of rabies.
Sometimes a bat will fly in through an open window, entering the living area of a home.
It is very important, in either circumstance, to enlist the services of a trained wildlife control professional-and never an exterminator, for humane and safe bat removal.
Be certain you are consulting with a licensed wildlife control operator, one who is trained in the humane techniques used in removing bats from your home, warehouse, or other enclosed areas.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020
The sun is shining, the weather is warm in Hesperia, no one can wait to get out enjoy the sunshine, but unfortunately for us, bugs feel the same way. When we think of spring, we like to think of picnics and scenic walks, but another thing we should be thinking about this time of year is pest control. Pests can ruin a good time no matter what time of year; anything from annoying ants to something much more serious like a wasp’s nests can cause serious problems for any unprepared household.
During the wintertime, pests like to invade the warm homes of humans in an effort to escape the cold weather outside. It is during this time that residents are more likely to see rodents, roaches, silverfish, and stinkbugs lurking in their homes. Depending on the pest in question, some can be put on hold for a few weeks for extermination, while others may require a more urgent response. In the springtime, the unwanted visitors we are most likely to encounter will be spiders, flies, and ants – with ants being the most common because it can be difficult to know for sure if an entire colony has been exterminated, or only a handful of them.
Once it gets to summertime in Hesperia, the most common types of pests that require extermination services are bats, termites, and ticks; other common pests dealt with during this time of year include ants and mosquitoes. As the weather shifts back into fall, we can expect to see a return of spiders, rodents, and stinkbugs; fleas are another common pest that will make itself known during the summer as well. Some pests, however, prefer to be human nuisances all year round, such as cockroaches and bed bugs.
Exterminator prices with Fieldtech IPS can vary depending on the season and type of pest, the area surrounding the site of infestation, and local laws and ordinances.
martes, 6 de octubre de 2020
It is easy to forget that people share the desert near Victorville with a wide variety of critters, some of which can harm them. Some embrace these creatures and some just want to stomp on them and treat them like pests. Local wildlife experts say that these creatures, even the potentially harmful and some pests, are a vital part of the ecosystem.
A list that covers every potentially dangerous animal in the desert would be at least twice as long, but here are five to watch out for:
Reptiles (Mojave green rattlesnake)
With the diamond-shaped pattern on its back, brown or pale green color and its signature rattle, it’s not difficult to spot this venomous viper. Some rattlesnakes can grow up to seven feet in length, but Mojave greens tend to only grow to about three feet or so. Though all rattlesnakes found in the desert are venomous, the Mojave green is distinguished by its combination of neurotoxic and hemotoxic venom, making it one of the deadliest snakes in the U.S. But the snakes avoid humans whenever possible and feed on a diet of squirrels, mice and rats. “Rattlesnakes are misunderstood,. “They are largely surrounded by lore and myth. Most people who sustain bites stepped near or on (the snake), or were trying to handle the animal or kill it.”
Spiders (Tarantula hawk)
Despite the name, this is no bird: It’s a wasp that feeds on tarantulas and hunts its victims stealthily, like a hawk. The wasp wins the battle, and what happens next sounds like something out of an “Alien” movie. The wasp paralyzes the spider and drags it back to its nest, implanting an egg inside the spider. That’s only the beginning. The wasp’s larva hatches and eats the spider from the inside out, making sure to avoid all organs in order to keep the tarantula alive as long as possible. When the offspring is grown, it bursts out of the spider, only to one day repeat the cycle on another crawly. They aren’t deadly to humans and generally leave us alone, but should someone provoke the insect, the sting is reportedly so painful that it causes three minutes of agony with no relief. All there is to do is scream
Many desert and mountain residents are fearful of mountain lions. They are more likely to take farm animals or pets. As the name implies, they dwell in mountain and foothill areas and are rarely seen at lower elevations. If you spot one, contact your local animal control agency to safely relocate the animal. “Animals don’t understand property, fencing, pets or children. All they are interested in is surviving,”.
Brown recluse spiders are not indigenous to our state, as proven by studies from the University Of California, Riverside. But two other recluse species, the desert recluse and Chilean recluse, are High Desert dwellers. As the name implies, they are reclusive and don’t bother humans. But unsuspecting contact can result in bites that dissolve human tissue and red blood cells. Such an encounter is largely non-fatal but can lead to health concerns and sickness if left untreated. It’s the same story with the black widow, which loves to inhabit garages and tool sheds. A bite is unlikely unless the spider is accidentally handled, sat on, or intentionally played with. The pitch-black spider is easily identifiable with its red hourglass shape on the abdomen. Bites can be fatal to small children and animals, but again, those circumstances are rare.
Bugs (Kissing bug)
These bloodsucking insects are found in lower parts of California, including the High Desert. According to the UC Davis website, they are attracted in lights in homes. They are identifiable by their orange and black body and their bites are painless and usually occur at night. They bite around the mouth, which is where they get their name. Such contact results in a welt that can last for days. “In addition, some reason people can develop an allergic reaction to the bites,”. They are also called cone-nose bugs because of their shape. The same bugs in Latin America can cause Chagas disease, which can be fatal. But no species known to cause the disease are here in California.
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Wasps are social insects, that live in colonies, numbers can vary depending on food source and nest location. Although, wasps can sting seve...
One of the biggest issues encountered each year by property owners across California is the pest invasion. Having your home or office invade...